ESSLab+ Seminar 2024

The seminar

The seminar "Sustainability Science: What's in a name?" is a first onsite event organised by ESSLab+.


Why this seminar?

A preliminary analysis of EUt+ researchers on sustainability science has revealed several common references among them. This seminar provides an opportunity to share knowledge and discuss key scientific issues related to sustainability science.

Why participate?

The seminar will enable the research group to better understand the scope of sustainability sciences, as well as providing an overview of the scientific methodologies already shared within the community. The goal is not necessarily to reach a consensus on approach, but rather to share the different viewpoints, allowing researchers to identify potential future collaborators.

Interdisciplinary work is already challenging, and doing it from within a multicultural team can be even more challenging. Therefore, this seminar allows researchers to understand different cultural and national contexts for interdisciplinary research.

This seminar is a great opportunity to network and initiate project development with EUt+ colleagues.

About the programme

The seminar will be organised in three parts, one per day. On the first day, researchers will have an overview of the history of sustainability science and the different perspectives of researchers in sustainability science.

On the second day of the event, we will be exploring interdisciplinary research. This will include discussions on the importance of interdisciplinary research, its meaning, the current challenges faced by it, and the possibility of moving towards transdisciplinary research. Additionally, there will be a workshop where participants can experience firsthand the challenges and impact of interdisciplinary research on their current professional practices.

In the past 25 years, sustainability science has emerged as a field of study. Some scientists have integrated its initial findings into their work, which has led them to question their own research questions and even their identity as researchers in their original field. Therefore, the EUt+ sustainability science community would like to discuss this topic further through the question: to what extent can working as a scientist within sustainability science influence one's self-image in a way that can also lead to changes in research interests? The third day will focus on this question.

How to participate?

You can participate by simply registering. However, if you would like to share some of your work, we have planned 2 special sessions (on Tuesday and Wednesday) to allow you to present your work: a Pecha Kucha and a poster session. Those types of activities encourage a lively and interactive dialogue.

It is not mandatory to submit something. You can also register without presenting to the Pecha Kucha or the poster session.

Pecha Kuch

This is a short Japanese visual presentation technique in which speakers present 20 slides for 20 seconds each. The slides should be mostly visual and progress automatically, ensuring the speaker delivers their presentation concisely and dynamically. This results in a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. As there should be little text on each slide, presenters should focus on creating a well-crafted narrative.


We invite you to present a scientific poster.

In case you are a member of the ESSLab: the graphical chart is available on (files of the sphere).

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